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Friday, 17 July 2015

Back to work!

I haven't blogged since April, as the world was so uncertain that it was impossible to set any argument in context.

We now know that the UK has a majority Conservative government, that has already amazed people by implementing its manifesto promises.

We now know that the German Finance Minister was a better game practitioner than his [now vanished] Greek opposite number was: because the Greek had the immense handicap of being an economic game theorist. In the end, the Greeks were more keen to be in on the euro - at any price, to them [and eventually to their partners] - than the Germans were to bail them out on their own terms. The terms that were agreed effectively suspended Greek sovereignty, and thus were a salutary example [and warning] the Europe.

It will now be massively more difficult for David Cameron to 'sell' his cosmetic changes in the UK's relationship with the EU as being enough to persuade the nation to stay in a position where they are vulnerable to loss of sovereignty. Interesting times!

Meanwhile, there is a possibility that the Labour Party in the UK will head into the setting sun, and oblivion, by electing Mr Corbyn as leader. The alternative, a scouser who [true to the type] finds it easier to talk than to listen, is still the front-runner: if he wins, he may succeed in decelerating the decline of "the party we love": but he will not make it electable.

And the sad rump of the Lib-Dems in parliament are now to be led by a man who put his leftish principles above the desire to share in tasting ministerial power: while most other prominent members of the party joined Cameron's coalition, he stood aloof. It is sad, therefore - for him - that his principles, like those of most honest Labour Party followers, will become increasingly irrelevant in a country led [heaven help us] by GG Osborne.

I look forward to being online regularly from now on.